Palác Akropolis - Temples (uk)
Café Na půl cesty - Viva Belgrado (esp), Anne M. Christiansen
Balbínka - Jakub Noha Band
Café V lese - The Wanton Bishops (lb)
Nová Chmelnice - Shturcite (bul), Fondaciata (bul)
Kavárna Potrvá - Billow, Little Husky, Yu John
Vagon - Shameless (usa/de), The Agony, Nasty Ratz
Lucerna Music Bar - Eliminace Przystanek Woodstock 2017
Idio&Idio, Cox&Vox, Czech It, Projekt Parabelum,
Pearly Seconds, Fish Face, Hanta, Edgar (sk), Leader Kills (hu)
+ The Snuff, The Unguided (swe)