Palác Akropolis - I Love You Honey Bunny, Leoniden (ger)
Klub FAMU - Good Times Only, Dukla, Hello Marcel
Café V lese - Laurel (gb), Tee pee
Meet Factory - The Amity Affliction (aus), The Plot In You (usa), Endless Heights (aus)
Rock Café - The Rumjacks (aus) /vyprodáno/
Punctum - Elysian Fields (usa)
Jazz Dock - Laco Deczi & New Your Celula
Vagon - AC/DC czech revival
Café Na půl cesty - 2nd Class Substitutes (aut), The Zsa zsa Gabor´s
Modrá Vopice - Hymen Collector Fest 2018
Sanatorium, Poppy Seed Grinder, Soul Decoder,
Pothead, Anime Torment, Cuttered Flesh, Congenital Anomalies
Klinika - Rožava, Sebestřed, Hnus umírající
Malostranská Beseda - Los Culos
Klubovna - Paper Planes, Exit Orchestra
Kain - Maria Scare, Mick Wathling Experience
Balbínka - Jarabáci
Kaštan - Pneumatic Head Compressor, Social Party, Plešatá zpěvačka
Chapeau Rouge - Stormess, Papa Joe